Terms and Conditions
For the initial monthly hire fee of £250/ fortnightly hire fee of £150,
Earth-Worms undertake to provide on loan a ' Hen Keeping' starter kit
1 Cosy Coop hen house with 2 metre run
2 salmonella vaccinated, wormed and health checked hens of laying age.
1 'Wisefeeder' feeder filled with organic layers pellets
1 galvanised metal drinker
1 large plastic drawer
unit and 1 small green bag containing all the necessary supplies and
equipment for hen care (to be replenished as needed) a full list of
contents is also included.
1 Earth-Worms 'How to care for your visiting hens' care sheet.
The hens and all equipment remain the property of Earth-Worms during the entire hire period.
The above hire fee is payable within 5 working days of delivery,
preferably transferred electronically directly into the Earth-Worms
bank account, details of which will be provided.
If payment is not
recieved during this period or the payment is declined, Earth-Worms
reserves the right to remove all equipment whilst seeking to recover
payment for the period of hire up to removal.
3. To comply with Earth-Worms animal welfare requirements, in line with DEFRA recommendations, the customer is asked to;
-maintain an adequate supply of food and fresh water for the hens at all times.
- ensure the house and run are secure at all times.
- contact us if there are any concerns about the health of the hens.
- allow us access on a weekly basis to monitor their health and welfare.
Earth-Worms reserves the right to terminate the hire period at their
discretion should they deem the customer to be in breach of these
Earth-Worms provides a 'How to care for your visiting hens' factsheet
which the customer is asked to follow as closely as possible, should
any aspect of the factsheet be unclear please contact us to clarify
In the unlikely event that Earth-Worms should have to remove its
equipment due to unforseen circumstances, for example the outbreak of a
notifiable disease, we would refund the customer for the remainbder of
the hire period.
in making such a decision earth-Worms would follow DEFRA guidelines.
6. To comply with Earth-Worms health and safety
requirements and the conditions of our public liability insurance, we
ask that the customer;
-ascertain in advance of delivery of the Earth-Worms equipment any
known allergies or medical conditions amongst both children and staff
i.e feather allergies and make appropriate arrangements for the
individuals concerned.
- ensure that the hens are secured in the run by means of the hatch doorway whilst cleaning out the house to prevent escape.
- ensure that children and adults wear the gloves and aprons provided
whilst cleaning out the hen house, washing their hands thoroughly with
soap and running water (as advised by the HSE) as soon as possible
- ensure children do not have unsupervised access to the hens and that they are supervised by an appropriate adult at all times.
- ensure children under 5 do not hold the hens at our insurers request
but children may touch and stroke the hens whilst a member of the
Earth-Worms staff is holding them, we provide hand sanitising gel
should you wish to use it but please supervise thorough handwashing
with soap and running water as soon as possible.
- display the 2 posters provided in a prominent position to remind
customers to wash their hands and to discourage chgildren from poking
their fingers into the coop.
Earth-Worms will, in line with the data protection act, ensure that
customers records are kept securely and never passed onto a third party.
We will also ensure that any personal or sensitive information which
comes to the attention of staff during our visits will remain
8. Our
equipment is sourced to be robust and safe for children to use, however
please inform Earth-Worms immediately should you discover it to be
broken or faulty in any way.
In the event the equipment has been damaged whilst on the customers property a discretionary replacement charge may apply.
Any complaints arising should be addressed in writing to Fran Waldron
at the Earth-Worms postal address or email address.
undertake to respond within 5 working days.
